Tag: coyote in love

Coyote is Back

He’s in love and he has met his match. Coyote In Love now available in paperback with a free Teacher’s resource. Learn about coyotes, tracking, hear a real coyote sing, make stars to spin or to hang in your window and much more. We saw this coyote sneaking across the field at dusk out on […]

Book Dummies

 The Smartest Part of a Picture Book is the dummy! From the Storyboard where you explore and imagine, the dummy is where you really see the book. You problem-solve, you work things out, smartly. Holes in the story will appear as you turn pages and see the text next to the art. This is the […]

Reviews: A Math Problem

A positive + a negative = a positive only if the original positive > the original negative Huh? This math rule never made much sense to me. So if I apply this to reviews, does it make sense? Do the positive comments outshine the negative ones only if the original positive comment was greater than […]