Hand-pulled limited edition prints
What are reduction linoleum prints?
Reduction is a method of printing where the image and all color layers are printed from one single linoleum block. Lino is removed from the block for each layer then each color is printed on top of the last. Planning ahead is critical as there is no going back. Colors are typically printed light to dark, and color variations can occur with transparent inks blending to create secondary colors.

New Linoleum block print!

“Mistletoe” is a new 10″ x 13″, reduction linoleum block print on varied art papers, E/V (Edition Varied) of 10. This reduction linoleum block print is part of a series titled Poison Medicine that represents plants with the power to heal by harnessing their natural toxins.

“Being” is a 10″ x 13″, reduction linoleum block print on Arches 88, E/V (Edition Varied) of 17
is the first of a series of This reduction linoleum block print is the first in a series titled Poison Medicine that represents plants with the power to heal harnessing their natural toxins.
9″ x 12″, reduction linoleum block print on Arches 88, E/V 10 (Edition Varied of 10)

This linoleum block print carved in four reductions was printed using the Ternes-Burton tabs and pins (first time!) with Caligo Safe Wash inks. My new favorite paper is Arches 88.

Linoleum blocks by Mindy for the CD cover and promotion of a new release, DOWN THE RIVER ROAD by Jack Dwyer and Bobby Winstead

Book covers

Tsunami Salmon